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2024Istituto Comprensivo Loredana Campanari, MONTEROTONDO, ItalyMONTEROTONDO (Italy) ERASMUS+from 8:00 am ...
Dear Sir of Conservatorio de Musica Valladolid
as Italian Public State School, based near Rome, with instrumental department involved in Erasmus
Programme years 2022-2027 (KA12I-2023-L-ITA2-KA12I-SCH-000140371, year 2A23-24) as
elected by Italian INDIRE
We have the pleasure to invite
as Expert the Professor, Mr Eduardo Pascual Diez. to offer a haining in General music and
Instrumental music, including Guitar, during next 11-14th April 2024 inour School.
We will provide flight travel and accomodation in Monterotondo (3 nights) to Maestro pascual
Diez, according to the INDIRE rules and budgets.
More details will be given after Your acceptation of this letter, but targets of our agreement are two:
. Developing training practice on children of primary schools
‘ Stimulating new practice strategies on instrumental sfudy and rehearsal in secondary school pupils with instruments training.
Along two days on 12th and l3th April of practical kaining for professors and pupils in some of
our classrooms (IV, V Primary and I-II-III Secondary), also a short theoretical presèntation on these
subjects will be very appreciated by our teachers to be presented in our Auditorium.
Hoping your Direction and Erasmus programmes will meet our needs and that
Maestro Pascual Diez will be available for this programme,
I send You my best regards, waiting for Your answer.
The School Headmaster
Luca Rinaldo Villani, the school headmasrter