Eduardo Pascual Díez
Eduardo Pascual Díez, profesor de guitarra del Conservatorio Música de Valladolid desde 1992. El reconocimiento internacional le ha llevado a ofrecer giras en más de 20 países, incluyendo algunos de los auditorios y teatros más importantes de Europa, Canadá, Estados Unidos, Centroamérica y América del Sur. Imparte Clases Magistrales en los Conservatorios y Festivales Internacionales más prestigiosos del mundo.
Natural de Torrelavega, Cantabria. Titulado por el R.C.S.M. de Madrid., C.A.P. por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Postgrado de guitarra en el C.S.M. de Salamanca con J. Catalá, sobre la obra para laúd de J. Dowland. Doctorado en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Se ha perfeccionado en clases con D. Russell, D. Ballesteros y J. L. Rodrigo, entre otros.
Habitualmente es jurado en importantes concursos internacionales de guitarra, entre ellos; Guitar Foundation of America (G.F.A., Montreal, Canadá), JoAnn Falleta Guitar Concerto Competition (Buffalo, New York, U.S.A.), Grifyce-Trzebiatów, (Polonia), Rust (Austria), Lima (Perú), Morelia, Chihuahua… (México), etc.
En Julio de 2004 realizó una gira de conciertos por Serbia y Montenegro y grabó un DVD con el Cuarteto de Cuerdas ARCO de Belgrado, en el Festival Internacional de Música de Vrnjacka Banja. Ha participado en la grabación de 4 CD´s con los conciertos ofrecidos en los Festivales Internacionales de Guitarra de Gubin, Polonia; Ramón Roteta, España; Lima, Perú; y Morelia, México.
Compositores reconocidos como Nikolay Yordanov, Víctor Hugo Ñopo, Roberto Fabbri, Uros Dojcinovic y Sandro Di Stefano le han dedicado sus obras. Director del Festival y Concurso Internacional de Guitarra Clásica Villa de Aranda, Burgos, desde 1997. Eduardo Pascual Díez toca con guitarras de Manuel Contreras “25 Aniversario” (1995) y Gabriel Hernández, de Paracho, Mexico; y está patrocinado por Cuerdas La Valenciana, de la Casa Veerkamp, México D.F.
Nebojša Slavić
Nace en Belgrado, Serbia, donde se matricula en la Muzicka Akademija y realiza sus estudios musicales, obteniendo el título superior de Profesor de Contrabajo, labor que compagina con la Natan Chamber Orchestra (1985-90), colaborando con la orquesta de la RTV de Belgrado. Durante su época de estudiante consigue el premio al mejor Video de Música Clásica de la TV Serbia.
Posteriormente se traslada a los EE.UU. para perfeccionarse en la prestigiosa The Mannes College of Music en New York, donde obtiene el Master of Music Degre, Titulo de Postgrado en la Interpretación Musical, bajo la dirección de Homer Mensch, y asistiendo regularmente a las Clases Magistrales de algunos de los músicos más prestigiosos, entre los que cabe mencionar Julius Levine o Eric Harris de la Chicago Symphony Orchestra.
Durante su estancia en Nueva York permanece como instrumentista del Virtuoso Strings Chamber Orchestra (1990-94), siendo el único contrabajista de esta formación, y colabora de manera habitual con la New Jersey State Opera, The Lyric Theatre Orchestra y Riverside Symphony.
En 1994 decide afincarse en España donde ha formado parte de la plantilla de las orquestas sinfónicas de Tenerife y del Principado de Asturias.
Desde 2000 reside en Valladolid y es contrabajista titular de la Orquesta Sinfónica de Castilla y León, plaza que consigue por oposición. Desde 2005 es miembro de la Orquesta de Contrabajos de Valladolid.
Como miembro de varias orquestas sinfónicas ha colaborado con artistas de prestigio como Ivo Pogorelich, Gidon Kremer, Daniel Barenboim Kurt Masur, entre otros.
Ha ofrecido recitales en España, Serbia y EE.UU., e impartido clases en el conservatorio de Avilés y en New York City Salute to Music Program.
Eduardo Pascual Díez
Eduardo Pascual Díez has been long settled in Valladolid where carrying out teaching at the Conservatoire of Music, since 1992. The International recognition has led him to offer toured in over 20 countries, including some of the most important concert halls and theaters in Europe, Canada, United States, Central and South America. He teaches master classes at the conservatoires and international festivals most prestigious of the world.
He was born in Torrelavega, Cantabria. Graduate at the Royal Conservatoire of Music of Madrid. Pedagogical Attitude Certificate at the Complutense University of Madrid. Guitar Postgraduate in the Conservatoire of Music of Salamanca under the leadership of Jaime Catalá, specializing in the lute´s work by John Dowland. Studied D. Mus. at the Autonomous University of Madrid, dedicated to research onto the life and work of Esteban Daza. He has honed his technique with David Russell, Demetrio Ballesteros and Jose Luis Rodrigo, among others.
Usually he is member jury in several international guitar competitions, among which we can highlight; Guitar Foundation of America (GFA, Montreal, Canada), JoAnn Falleta Guitar Concerto Competition (Buffalo, New York, USA), Grifyce-Trzebiatów (Poland) Rust (Austria), Xmas Guitar Contest (Lecce), Fiuggi Guitar Competition, Reggio Calabria (Italy), City of Lima (Peru), Kutná Hora (Czech Republic), Morelia International Guitar, Guitar without Frontiers, in Chihuahua … (Mexico), etc.
In July 2004, made a tour of concerts in Serbia and Montenegro and recorded a DVD with the ARCO String Quartet from Belgrade, within the International Music Festival of Vrnjacka Banja. He also participated in recording of 4 CD’s with the concerts offered at the International Guitar Festivals of Gubin, Poland; Ramon Roteta in Irún, Spain; Lima, Peru; and Morelia, in Mexico.
Renowned composers among those who that are found, Nikolay Yordanov, Victor Hugo Ñopo Roberto Fabbri, Uros Dojcinovic, Sandro Di Stefano and Sabino De Bari, have dedicated their works to him.
As of 1997, he is the artistic director of the International Festival and Guitar Competition Villa de Aranda, Burgos, and the International Guitar Festival Esteban Daza, in Valladolid, since 2010.
Eduardo Pascual plays with Manuel Contreras Guitars «25th Anniversary» (1995) and Gabriel Hernández Jimenez (Paracho, Mexico), those who have especially dedicated their guitars, and has sponsored by Valenciana Strings, of the Veerkamp House, Mexico DF – and Alhambra Guitars.
Nebojša Slavić
Born in Belgrade, Serbia, where received his Bachelor of Music Degree from the Music Academy of Belgrade. During this time he worked as solo bass with the Natan Chamber Orchestra, collaborating in the section of the RTV Belgrade Orchestra, he also won the Competition for Best Classical Music Video in Serbia.
In 1994 he moved to the USA where he obtained the Master of Music Degree from the prestigious The Mannes College of Music in New York City, studding with Homer Mensch and participating in master classes with teachers like Julius Levine or Eric Harris of Chicago Symphony, among others.
During this time he performed as soloist of the Virtuoso Strings Chamber Orchestra, and also collaborating with the New Jersey State Opera, The Lyric Theatre Orchestra and The Riverside Symphony.
He came to Spain in 1994 where he formed part of the Symphony Orchestra of Tenerife and the Symphony Orchestra of Principado de Asturias.
Since 2000 he resides in Valladolid where he plays in the double bass section of the Symphony Orchestra of Castilla y León. Since 2005 he is playing also a in the Orchestra of Double Basses of Valladolid.
As a member of different orchestras he has collaborated with prestigious musicians such as Ivo Pogorelich, Gidon Kremer, Daniel Barenboim and Kurt Masur, to name a few.
He has offered recitals in Spain, Serbia and USA, and has worked as a double bass teacher in the social program «In Crescendo» in Valladolid, Music Conservatory in Avilés and New York Salute to Music Program.