25th BRNO International Guitar Festival (Czech Republic)

BRNO Guitar Festival 2016It is a great pleasure invite to everybody to one of the most prestigious events in Europe, to be held from 7th to 12th August, in BRNO (Czech Republic), where I will share activities with many great artists and friends.

So excited to be among such talented artists for this festival’s 25th BRNO International Guitar Festival and Competition!

My concert will be the 11 August at 20:00 pm in the New City Hall, and the rest of the days will be offering Master Classes, Jury member in the Guitartalent INTERNATIONAL GUITAR COMPETITION.

We´ll meet there !!!!

Es un gran placer poder invitaros a uno de los eventos de mayor prestigio de Europa, que se celebrará entre los días 7 a 12 de agosto, en BRNO (República Checa), donde compartiré actividades con muchos grandes artistas y amigos.

Mi concierto será el día 11 de agosto, a las 20:00 h en el New City Hall, y el resto de los días estaré ofreciendo Clases Magistrales y Jurado en el Guitartalent Inter. GUITAR Competition.

Allí nos vemos!!!!

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